Tag Archives: Liability Protection

New law restores liability protection for public trails

City and county officials are relieved by a new state law that they say reinstates protection from legal liability for public trails when hikers or other users get hurt. But officials note that the protection for public agencies that maintain such trails isn’t permanent. Source: New law restores liability protection for public trails | Local […]
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Why hospitals in many states with legal abortion may refuse to perform them 

State Library Ed. Note: If you cannot access this story via the link below, state employees can access this Washington Post story HERE via the State Library’s subscription to the US Newstream database. Alternatively, state employees can contact us for access: LibraryHelp.SLO@slo.oregon.gov or 503-378-8800. Laws in 35 states shield hospitals from liability for refusing to provide abortion care due to religious […]
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Oregon Senate passes bill to amend state NIL law to prevent NCAA from punishing colleges or athletes, grant liability protection to universities

The Oregon Senate passed a bill to amend the state’s law regarding college athlete name, image and likeness (NIL) to prohibit the NCAA, conferences and any other athletics governing body from punishing an athlete or school due to actual or alleged violations of the governing body’s NIL rules and provide schools and their employees with […]
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Hansell bill providing protections for children’s advocacy centers passes Senate vote

The Oregon Senate voted Thursday, Feb. 22, to pass State Bill 1587, a bipartisan bill that provides Children’s Advocacy Centers liability protections they currently lack, according to a press release. The legislation, which now goes to the House for consideration, was carried by Sen. Bill Hansell, R-Athena, and Sen. Sara Gelser Blouin, D-Corvallis. Source: Hansell bill providing protections for […]
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‘Unprecedented’ indictment of federal firefighter leads employees to question their liabilities

A workforce is panicking after a local sheriff arrested a federal supervisor doing his job. On an October day in 2022, Ricky Snodgrass—a U.S. Forest Service “burn boss”—led a fairly routine effort to reduce the risk of wildland fire that has increasingly devastated western states in recent years. It ended in his arrest. Snodgrass and […]
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Editorial: Legislature should pass Senate Bill 1575

Architects, engineers, surveyors and other contractors may get a bit more protection from the Oregon Legislature this session. The defense costs they may be compelled to pay would be directly tied to their liability or fault, if Senate Bill 1575 becomes law. Source: Editorial: Legislature should pass Senate Bill 1575 | Opinion | bendbulletin.com

Temporary loss of ‘recreational immunity’ has city, county officials concerned about liability issues

A pedestrian’s single slip more than four years ago on a bridge leading to an Oregon beach could potentially cause at least temporary closures of city- and county-owned trails and other recreation sites in Northeast Oregon and across the state. The incident likely will result in new signs being installed, including on trails that remain […]
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Stapilus: It may take legislative action to avert local park closures

If you take your dog for a walk from your home, walking some distance to a local park and then back, you’re engaging in recreation. But does your recreation begin when you leave your house, en route to the park, or only after you actually get there? Or does it begin, at least in the […]
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Recreational liability reform likely dead in Oregon’s overstuffed legislative calendar

A bill to change recreational liability law sought by an alliance of more than 100 resort, adventure tourism, gyms and cities dependent on visitors seeking outdoors experience is dead for 2023, a top Democratic leader said Monday, March 6. Senate President Rob Wagner, D-Lake Oswego, said Senate Bill 754 would not be brought up for […]
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Bethel, Springfield boards hear about COVID-19 liability caveats, reopening

School districts in Oregon have the option to reopen their school buildings for in-person instruction, even if they are outside of the state’s now-advisory reopening metrics. However, if they choose to do so, they risk taking on liability despite recent state legislature. Source: Bethel, Springfield boards hear about COVID-19 liability caveats, reopening