Tag Archives: Physicians

US pediatricians reverse decades-old advice against HIV-positive mothers breastfeeding

A top U.S. pediatricians’ group is making a sharp policy change about breastfeeding by people with HIV. People with HIV can breastfeed their babies, as long as they are taking medications that effectively suppress the virus that causes AIDS, a top U.S. pediatricians’ group said Monday in a sharp policy change. The new report from […]
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Medical Residents Are Increasingly Avoiding States With Abortion Restrictions

A new analysis shows that students graduating from U.S. medical schools were less likely to apply this year for residency positions in states with abortion bans and other significant abortion restrictions. Fourteen states, primarily in the Midwest and South, have banned nearly all abortions. The new analysis by the AAMC — a preliminary copy of […]
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Oregon health care reforms need renewed focus, panel says | The Lund Report

Architects of reforms to the Oregon Health Plan championed their vision, while the state’s new health chief offered her ideas on how to improve care for low-income Oregonians. Oregon drew national acclaim more than a decade ago when it launched a bold plan to remake the health care system starting with the program offering free […]
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Optum legal tactics endanger Oregonians, lawmakers say | The Lund Report

Amid a primary care shortage, a Eugene lawmaker and others want the health care giant to stop enforcing contracts that prevent doctors from providing care in the area after they quit. A global health care company’s aggressive legal tactic is endangering people in the Eugene area by fueling a critical shortage of doctors, some lawmakers […]
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Cal Poly Humboldt starts program to get more Native Americans into medical school

Cal Poly Humboldt‘s home in Arcata is near many Native American people from several different tribes. The University of California-Davis has a medical school. So the two schools are combining obvious strengths and starting a program to get indigenous students pointed toward, and through, medical school. The Huwighurruk (a Wiyot word for medicine, pronounced hee-way-gou-duck) […]
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Amid syphilis surge, doctors call for more testing during pregnancy

State Library Ed. Note: If you cannot access this story via the link below, state employees can access this Washington Post story HERE via the State Library’s subscription to the US Newstream database. Alternatively, state employees can contact us for access: LibraryHelp.SLO@slo.oregon.gov or 503-378-8800. A coalition of obstetricians is recommending routine blood screening at the first prenatal visit and other screenings. […]
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California proposes law to allow Arizona doctors to perform abortions as ban proceeds

California Gov. Gavin Newsom says the state is working on emergency legislation that would allow doctors from Arizona to come to California to provide abortions. The announcement comes days after the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the state should follow a law from the 1860s that outlaws abortions in all cases except when the pregnant […]
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Guest Column: Independent physician practices are disappearing That’s bad for patients

Corporate juggernauts are coming to dominate the U.S. healthcare system. UnitedHealth now employs 10% of all physicians in the United States. Hospitals signed up more than 58,000 new physician employees and acquired nearly 5,000 private practices between 2019 and the end of 2021. Amazon and CVS are investing heavily in adding doctors to their payrolls. […]
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Doctors take on dental duties to reach low-income and uninsured patients

Oral health is increasingly being integrated into medical checkups for children, pregnant women, and others who cannot afford or do not have easy access to dentists. Pediatrician Patricia Braun and her team saw roughly 100 children at a community health clinic on a recent Monday. They gave flu shots and treatments for illnesses like ear […]
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More kids are dying of drug overdoses. Could pediatricians do more to help?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends offering a medication that curbs cravings to teens addicted to opioids. But few report doing so. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends offering buprenorphine to teens addicted to opioids. But only 6% of pediatricians report ever doing do, according to survey results. In fact, buprenorphine prescriptions for adolescents were […]
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