Tag Archives: Democrats

Democratic Oregon House incumbents win primaries, one race remains too close to call

All incumbent House Democrats won their primary campaigns, while one open race in Corvallis remained too close to call after the first few days of vote-counting. With several Democrats from safe districts retiring or running for higher offices, most contested House primaries were for seats in which the primary, not the general election, determines which […]
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Capital Chatter: Will Oregon Republicans move to the center? | Opinion |

“I’m an Oregon Republican. I think it’s time for our party to stop denying election results and focus on winning elections instead.” So said Reagan Knopp in a tweet this week on X, the social media platform once known as Twitter. Seems like good advice. Source: Capital Chatter: Kotek’s unpopularity is a Kate Brown legacy […]
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Rayfield, Pomerantz run for Democrat nomination for Oregon AG

Former Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield and non-profit executive director Shaina Pomerantz are facing off for the Democratic nomination in Oregon’s next attorney general race. The winner of the primary election will face the winner of the Republican primary — either Michael Cross or Will Lathrop — in the November general election to replace Attorney […]
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Two Republicans in the primary for Oregon Attorney General

Michael Cross and Will Lathrop are competing in the Republican primary for the nomination for Oregon Attorney General to replace Ellen Rosenblum, who announced in September that she would not seek a fourth term. The winner of the primary will face the winner of the Democrat primary between former Oregon House Speaker Dan Rayfield and […]
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Election results: 5 Dems run for Oregon secretary of state

Five Democrats are running to be Oregon’s next secretary of state, who will be charged with restoring public trust in an office that has seen high turnover in recent years. In 2015, Democratic Jeanne Atkins was appointed to the role after Kate Brown’s ascension to Oregon governor. Dennis Richardson, the first Republican in the role […]
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Gudman, Steiner vie for Democrat nomination for Oregon Treasurer

State senator Elizabeth Steiner faces former Lake Oswego City Councilor Jeff Gudman for the Democrat nomination for Oregon Treasurer in Tuesday’s primary election. The winner will advance to the November general election against Republican Brian Boquist, a state senator from Dallas who is barred from running for re-election in the legislature because he had 10 […]
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U.S. House Democrats and advocates push for additional federal child care funding

U.S. House Democratic leaders called on Congress this week to pass President Joe Biden’s $16 billion supplemental child care funding request. House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries of New York and Whip Katherine Clark of Massachusetts gathered with child care activists and other House Democrats at a press conference outside the U.S. Capitol. Child care providers […]
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‘OPB Politics Now’: Why Democrats are now willing to tackle Measure 110 reforms

During the 2023 legislative session, Democrats were not interested in making system-wide changes to the state’s drug decriminalization experiment. Now, that seems to have changed. On this week’s episode of OPB’s Politics Now, reporters Lauren Dake and Dirk VanderHart talk about the politics behind the sudden change of heart and what it means for the […]
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As the Oregon State Legislature adjourned on Sunday, leadership from both parties shared their assessment, though predictably their perspectives varied. A release from the Oregon House Republican Caucus said a noteworthy amount of time was spent on what the GOP called, “…the most divisive and partisan issues in America: expansion of abortion and gender transition […]
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Opinion: Dems do the job, keep promises to Oregonians | Opinion |

On Thursday, Oregon legislative leadership announced an agreement to resume work in the Senate, saving the 2023 legislative session. The Oregon Legislature will now move forward on bills and budgets that will protect shared Oregon values and take urgent actions on the homelessness crisis, wildfire relief, public safety, health care, and protecting reproductive rights. Source: […]
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