Tag Archives: State Laws

County tentative on RV dwelling code for affordable housing

The Deschutes County Commission sees potential in allowing rural property owners to rent out recreational vehicles to long-term tenants, a rule change that could provide up to 12,500 new units of affordable housing. But how it will take shape is not clear. Request full-text (for State Agency patrons only) Source: County tentative on RV dwelling […]
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Affordable housing efforts highlight new Oregon laws taking effect Thursday

Dozens of new Oregon laws passed during this year’s legislative session took effect Thursday. They include laws aimed at home affordability, curbing hunger, growing the state’s semiconductor work force and preventing firearm-related suicide. Here is a list of the new laws, according to the Oregon House and Senate majority offices: Source: Affordable housing efforts highlight […]
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Open range law shields ranch from cattle collision lawsuit

Under Oregon’s open range law, a ranch isn’t liable for its cattle causing a car accident on an interstate highway, according to the state’s Court of Appeals. The appellate court has affirmed the dismissal of a lawsuit filed by a driver and passenger who blamed Meadow Acres Angus Ranch of Echo, Ore., for a 2019 […]
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New police pursuit rules, ‘parents bill of rights’ become law in Washington

Washington police can now pursue vehicles if officers suspect someone is committing a crime. And parents in the state have a new list of rules outlining their rights to access their children’s school records. That’s because three voter initiatives took effect Thursday — alongside dozens of other new laws — after the Legislature approved them earlier […]
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Nurses union cries foul as staffing law takes effect

Oregon’s largest nurses union is accusing some hospital executives of a “coordinated attempt” to undermine a new state law that guarantees minimum staffing levels. The Oregon Nurses Association made the accusations in a letter to Oregon Health Authority Director Sejal Hathi sent on June 4 and made public Wednesday. In it, the union’s executive director […]
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Union charges PeaceHealth, Providence are violating new safe staffing law

The Oregon Nurses Association is accusing major hospital systems of flouting Oregon’s tough new nurse staffing law, which went into effect five days ago. ONA, which represents more than 15,000 nurses at hospitals statewide, says it has received a “flood of complaints” from members of “hospital executives purposefully undermining” the safe staffing law and “worsening […]
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As states loosen childhood vaccine requirements, health experts’ worries grow

Some lawmakers across the country are working to sidestep vaccine mandates, not just for COVID-19, but also for measles, polio and meningitis. Public health experts worry the renewed opposition to childhood immunizations will reverse state gains in vaccination rates. Meanwhile, cases of some diseases, including measles, have increased across the country. Source: As states loosen […]
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Fentanyl overdose death leads to rare manslaughter conviction of drug dealer in Washington County

A 21-year-old man was sentenced in Washington County to more than six years in prison for second-degree manslaughter after selling fentanyl-laced pills to a 17-year-old boy who died from an overdose. The state prosecution was a rare use of a manslaughter charge to pursue a street-level drug supplier, Washington County District Attorney Kevin Barton said. […]
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Oregon hospitals budget millions, ramp up hiring to comply with nurse staffing law

Oregon hospital systems are scrambling to comply with one of the nation’s toughest hospital staffing laws, which passed the Legislature last year after a long and, at times, contentious process. June is the deadline for hospitals to staff their units according to the nurse-to-patient ratios outlined in the law. Request full-text (for State Agency patrons […]
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States Move to Ban Deepfake Nudes to Fight Sexually Explicit Images of Minors

State Library Ed. Note: If you cannot access this story directly from the source, state employees can access this New York Times story HERE via the State Library’s subscription to the US Newstream database. Alternatively, state employees can contact us for access: LibraryHelp.SLO@slo.oregon.gov or 503-378-8800.