Tag Archives: Senate Democrats

Oregon insiders: Who’s who in and around state government

Oregon Senate Democrats this week chose Kathleen Taylor, D-Portland, as their new majority leader. Taylor will take over July 15 when Majority Leader Kate Lieber, D-Beaverton, becomes co-chair of the Legislature’s Joint Ways & Means Committee. The other caucus officers remain the same, including Janeen Sollman, D-Hillsboro, as deputy majority leader. Serena Stoudamire Wesley will join […]
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Kathleen Taylor elected as new Oregon Senate majority leader

Oregon Senate Democrats on Monday elected Sen. Kathleen Taylor, D-Portland, as their next Senate majority leader. Taylor will begin her role on July 15, the same day former Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber will begin her role as the new co-chair of the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, which is charged with helping draft […]
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Oregon Senate Democrats tap Portland’s Kathleen Taylor as new caucus leader

Oregon Senate Democrats on Monday picked Portland Sen. Kathleen Taylor, who played a key role in negotiations to end the 2023 Republican walkout, as their next caucus leader. Taylor will succeed Sen. Kate Lieber, a Beaverton Democrat who is leaving the top caucus role to become the new Senate co-chair of the budget-writing Joint Ways […]
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Oregon Senate Democrats pick Kathleen Taylor as next leader

Taylor pitched herself to colleagues as a seasoned lawmaker with a track-record of working well with Republicans. Oregon Senate Democrats have chosen their next caucus leader, capping off a leadership shuffle in the chamber. In a closed-door meeting on Monday evening, the Senate’s 17 Democrats tapped state Sen. Kathleen Taylor, D-Portland, to serve as Senate […]
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Oregon Senate Democrats shuffle leadership ahead of November election

Sen. Elizabeth Steiner is stepping down as a chief budget writer, and Senate Majority Leader Kate Lieber will take her place. Oregon Senate Democrats are planning a leadership shuffle in coming weeks, as the chamber’s top budget writer steps down from the role to focus on a statewide campaign. Sen. Elizabeth Steiner, D-Portland, announced Monday […]
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Even After She Teamed Up With Senate Republicans, Gov. Tina Kotek Suffered Her Biggest Loss of the Legislative Session

As the final hours of Oregon’s 2023 legislative session careened to a conclusion, Bob Sallinger was driving a rental car in Rhode Island. His daughter pressed his cellphone to his ear so he could hear the audio from the Oregon Senate as it voted on Gov. Tina Kotek’s top remaining bill. Source: Even After She […]
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Walkout’s end: How Senate Democrats amended bills (Part 1 of 2)

The Oregon Senate, having ended the longest walkout in state history, will be in a sprint as the Legislature’s 160-day session approaches its closing of June 25. The walkout ended June 15 after 42 days — and after majority Democrats and minority Republicans asserted victory in disputes over abortion access and firearms regulation. Source: Walkout’s […]
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OPINION: Oregonians deserve a recovery for all

Democratic legislative leaders outline goals for 2022 session. Over the last two years, working people have kept Oregon and the rest of the country up and running, making sacrifices in the face of much uncertainty. But during the pandemic, it’s the wealthiest families in the U.S. who have doubled their wealth, benefiting while working families […]
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Oregon Legislature short session’s tall order: Will Dems, GOP be able to get along?

As Oregon lawmakers prepare to return to the state Capitol next week for a 35-day legislative session, Republicans and Democrats have differing opinions on what that time should be used for. Source: Oregon Legislature short session’s tall order: Will Dems, GOP be able to get along? – KTVZ

Gelser to serve as majority whip

State Sen. Sara Gelser of Corvallis has been elected one of the party majority whips for the upcoming session of the Oregon Legislature. Gelser, a Democrat in her second term in the Senate, was elected Friday by her colleagues at a virtual session. Sen. Lew Frederick of Portland will join Gelser as majority whip. Source: […]
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